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Plant & Animal
ESP - Educational + Scientific Products Ltd supply a wide range of Plant & Animal Models including veterinary anatomical models, canine dog bone models, cat feline anatomical models, Plant Leaf and Root Structure, Dicotyledons, Stem Cross Section etc..
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The Dog Skeleton is an actual cast of the skeleton of a medium-size crossbreed dog with about 45cm shoulder height.
The spine is not moveable, tail is removable.
The legs can be moved and removed, perfect for use in courses and further educatio..
The two piece animal cell model shows the form and structure of a typical animal cell as viewed by an electron microscope. All important organelles are shown in raised relief and displayed in color. Features included are: ·&n..
Proudly Made in the UK.
A life size plastic cast of a carefully selected adult cat skull.
The mandible is removable and the dentition is complete, showing the characteristics of a typical carnivore.
This robust cast shows excellent det..
Highly detailed, anatomically correct plastic replicas of a selection of animals.
This robust, high-quality skull set gives the student the opportunity to compare the skulls and dentition of two carnivores, two herbivores and one omnivore, as we..
Proudly Made in the UK.
A section through a typical leaf, showing epidermis, palisade and spongy mesophyll, vascular bundle and stomata.
Supplied with key card. Size 15x10x6cm.
Proudly Made in the UK.
A section through a typical dicotyledon root in the region of the root hairs. One side shows a longitudinal section through phloem and the other through xylem together with adjacent tissues.
Radius of section 17cm,..
Proudly Made in the UK.
The top surface of the model represents a transverse section of a wedge shaped sector of the stem and includes all the tissues from epidermis to pith. One entire vascular bundle is shown and half an adjacent one. The ..
Proudly Made in the UK.
A life size plastic cast of a carefully selected medium size adult dog skull.
The mandible is removable and the dentition is complete, clearly showing the characteristics of a typical carnivore.
The skull has th..
A series of eight models displaying the alternation of generations in the life cycle of the fern. The series is: sori on pinnule; sori after dehiscence; vertical section of sorus; structure of dehiscing sporangium; prothallus with antheridia and arch..
A greatly enlarged (10x) model to demonstrate the floral components and reproductive function of the flower. Each of the eight parts of the flower model represents one of the unique structural components such as the petals, sepals, stamens and p..
Proudly Made in the UK.
Five models showing near median sections through the egg during development from early gastrula to neurula. Features shown include dorsal lip, blastophore, blastecoel, rudimentary gut and CNS.
The models are 10cm h..
A life size plastic cast of a carefully selected adult male Gorilla, the largest of the primates. The mandible is removable and the dentition is complete. The skull is robust enough for students to handle and is easily cleaned with soap and water. Si..
Highly detailed, anatomically correct plastic replica of a Hedgehog skull. This robust, high-quality replica is perfect for classroom studies at any level. Hedgehogs are covered with sharp quills that aid in their protection. Many species of hedgehog..
Proudly Made in the UK.
A median longitudinal section of a green hydra, showing external and internal structure, budding, testis and ovary.
On base approx 56cm high.
Supplied with keycard.
Proudly Made in the UK.
10 stages of the process of Meiosis are depicted on this unique and high quality model. Each stage is expertly hand painted and mounted on a perspex base.
Proudly Made in the UK.
The ten separate stages of ZKA-110-B, numbered, with key. 13 parts.
Proudly Made in the UK.
A robust plastic model showing eight stages of mitosis. The model is carefully coloured for maximum clarity and teaching value. Each stage is numbered and a key is attached. Base size 33x39cm.
Proudly Made in the UK.
The eight separate stages of ZKA-100-Y, numbered , with key. 9 parts.
Proudly Made in the UK.
A wedge shaped sector through a typical monocotyledon root, giving transverse and longitudinal sections. Longitudinal section of phloem and xylem tissues are shown. Supplied with key card. Size 34x21.5x5cm.
Proudly Made in the UK.
Transverse and longitudinal sections of all tissues from epidermis to pith are included on this model. Two entire vascular bundles are shown, one entering into the stem from a leaf trace. Another two vascular bundles ..
Highly detailed, anatomically correct plastic replica of a House Mouse skull. This robust, high-quality replica is perfect for classroom studies at any level. The term "mouse" can refer to any number of small rodents within the Muridae fami..
A life size plastic cast of a carefully selected adult male Orang Utan. The mandible is removable and the dentition is complete. The skull is robust enough for students to handle and is easily cleaned with soap and water. Size 16x16x18cm...
Proudly Made in the UK.
A detailed model showing internal and external features of Paramecium, including meganucleus, micronucleus, oral groove, buccal cavity, food vacuoles, contractile vacuoles, trichocysts and locomotory cilia.
The two piece plant cell model shows the structures of a typical plant cell with cytoplasm and cell organelles, as viewed by an electron microscope. All important organelles of the plant cell are in raised relief and displayed in colour. Features inc..
Proudly Made in the UK.
The main model is a vertical section through the stigma, style and ovary, showing the growth of the pollen tubes to the ovules. Separate models show anther, anther dehiscing, and different types of ovary in transverse..