
Birth Sets, Dolls & Pelvis

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Birth Model Sets
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  Two life-size models, chosen to demonstrate birth. Consists of a plastic female pelvis (ZJY-590-G) and a flexible foetal doll (ZKK-246- U) with umbilical cord and placenta. Supplied in bag. ..

Cervix Examination Set
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  A model of the external female genitalia manufactured from a soft, lifelike plastic, with a set of six interchangeable cervix simulations. The cervix simulations are inserted into the model to allow the stud..

Composite Pelvis/Pelvic Floor
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  A complete life size female pelvis of synthetic bone-like material with a highly detailed and dissectible pelvic floor in carefully coloured flexible material comprising genitalia and associated muscles. The..

Foetal Doll
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  Designed following consultation with midwives and nurses, this foetal doll is ideal for teaching all aspects of the birth process, especially in combination with the articulated pelvis ZJY-590-G. The body is ma..

Foetal Doll With Placenta
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  Designed following consultation with midwives and nurses, this foetal doll is ideal for teaching all aspects of the birth process, especially in combination with the articulated pelvis ZJY-590-G. The body is..

Foetal Head Palpation Model
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  A robust life size foetal head designed for practising palpation of the skull through the skin to identify sutures and fontanelles. Comprises an outer flexible skin with an inner hard bone-like structure. Indiv..

Foetal Head Simulator
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  A life size foetal head, made from a soft, tissue like material to give a very lifelike feel. The internal bony structure has realistic fontanelles, the individual bones move independently and the head can be m..

Miniature Birth Model Sets
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  A one third life size pelvis, realistically modelled, with 20cm long foetal doll having flexible limbs and soft cloth body. Designed for the demonstration of the birth process. Supplied in bag. A highly r..

NOELLE Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator with PEDI Blue Neonate
Designed to provide a complete birthing experience before, during, and after delivery. Features full-size articulating full-body female manikin, intubatable airway with chest rise, IV arm for meds/fluids, removable stomach cover, practice Leopold man..

Pelvic Floor To Fit Pelvis Mod
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  A life size model of the female pelvic floor muscles, the superficial perineal muscles and the levator ani.   ..

Pelvis And Foetal Skull
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  The model shows the life size female pelvis, with ligaments and with a foetal skull mounted upon a flexible rod for demonstration of the birth mechanism. Mounted on stand. Anatomical Models » Birth Sets, Dol..

Pelvis, Nerves, Floor & Ligmts
Proudly Made by ESP in the UK.  A life size bony female pelvis showing the ligaments and the main nerves, with a removable 2 part pelvic floor. Anatomical Models » Birth Sets, Dolls & Pelvis ..

Pregnancy & Birth Chart
This high quality laminated chart measuring 50x67 cm in size illustrates the full pregnancy cycle from embryo to birth, along with development of both the mother and foetus. ..
£32.97 £16.00

Pregnancy And Birth Chart
Pregnancy And Birth Chart Size 70 x 100cm and printed on coated paper for extra strength. ..
£41.52 £20.16

Process of Giving Birth Charts
Flip chart containing 12 pages, each beautifully drawn depicting the different stages of pregnancy from conception to early postpartum uterine changes. The chart is supplied flat with a robust cardboard outer covering which doubles up as a sturdy ..
£51.50 £15.00