
Early Man Skulls

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SK-48 A. Robustus
Australopithecus robustus , discovered in South Africa in 1938, is considered by many to be a subspecies of A. boisei. There is also debate concerning the genus of this species and it is often referred to as Paranthropus robustus. To date, the most ..

SK-48 A. Robustus + Jaw
Australopithecus robustus , discovered in South Africa in 1938, is considered by many to be a subspecies of A. boisei. There is also debate concerning the genus of this species and it is often referred to as Paranthropus robustus. To date, the most ..

Skhul 5
Discovered by T. McCown near Mount Carmel, Israel in 1932, Skhul 5 is widely considered to be one of the earliest examples of the H. sapiens species. It is a mosaic of modern and archaic traits. This skull dates back to 100,000 years ago...

Skull Replica Cro-Magnon Man
This is a model of the skull of a Homo sapiens, discovered in a cave in southern France in 1868 and thought to be 20,000 to 30,000 years old. Supplied with a leaflet giving background notes...

Skull Replica Neanderthal Man
A plastic model of the fossilised skull of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, the classic Neanderthal Man. Found in southern France in 1908, the fossil has been estimated at 35,000 to 45,000 years old. Supplied with leaflet giving background notes...

Skull Replica Olduvai Man
A replica of a reconstruction of a skull of Australopithecus boisei, found in Olduvai, East Africa, in 1959. The age is about 1,750,000 years. Supplied with a leaflet giving background notes...

Skull Replica Steinheim Man
A replica of a reproduction of a skull of Homo sapiens praesapius. Discovered at Steinheim, near Stuttgart, in 1933, it is estimated to be about 200,000 years old.Supplied with leaflet giving background notes...

Skull Replica, Piltdown Man
Proudly Made in the UK.  A life size model, moulded in robust plastic for the Natural History Museum from their own reconstruction. The original reconstruction was produced by Sir Arthur Keith in 1913 and named Eoanthropus dawsoni. Pieces of ..

Skull Replica, Rhodesian Man
Proudly Made in the UK. ​ A life size model, moulded in robust plastic for The Natural History Museum from their own reconstruction. The model is of a fossilised skull of Homo rhodesiensis found in 1921 at Broken Hill, Rhodesia (now Zambia). ..

STS-71 A. Africanus
This male Australopithecus africanus skull, designated STS 71, from Sterkfontein, South Africa was discovered by Robert Broom and John T. Robinson in 1949. It's large post canine teeth suggest that it was a male. It dates from 2.5 MYA...

Taung Child
Found in a limestone quarry in 1924 by M. De Bruyn, the Taung Child skull was that of a three year old bipedial ape from South Africa. Described by Raymond Dart in the Journal of Nature in 1925, it was the first member of the genus Australopithecus...

Teshik-Tash Child
The Teshik-Tash skull, discovered in 1938 and estimated be 70,000 years old, is believed to have been from a nine year old boy. This specimen was excavated in Uzbekistan and represents the eastern most range of the Neanderthals. This specimen was re..